Are you seeking a better balance work/life balance?
Maybe you are juggling too many tasks at once and beginning to wonder if you can cope. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed. Experiencing high stress levels, especially over a long period of time, can produce anxiety related issues. These may include panic attacks, eating disorders, weight management issues, insomnia, IBS, OCD and difficulties in your relationships.
Positive relationships are an intrinsic part of our mental health and wellbeing.
Managing different aspects of your life more effectively can enhance your relationships with others and, most importantly, yourself.
Low self-esteem
Recognising what is helpful and building on this by making good choices develops self-esteem. Taking time to honour our own needs can lead to positive changes.
Hypnotherapy can help you adopt positive thought patterns and behaviours so that you can live more to your own drumbeat and explore your true potential.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Did you know that IBS or irritable bowel syndrome is stress related and affects 1 in 5 people?
Hypnotherapy can be an effective treatment and is recognised by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Not only can hypnotherapy help you manage the symptoms of IBS; it can also have a more wide reaching positive impact on your life where your overall sense of happiness and wellbeing increases.
Perhaps you are struggling with fertility issues. Being in a calm, relaxed state increases your chances of getting pregnant, both naturally and with fertility treatment.
There is clinical proof that hypnotherapy can assist women with fertility issues. The link between mind and body is an important factor when dealing with infertility. Hypnotherapy can also help achieve a calm pregnancy and birth.
Obsessional Compulsive Disorder
Are obsessive behavioural patterns taking up too much of your time and energy? This can impact on your daily life and prevent you from spending time doing the things you really enjoy?
I have helped clients with OCD gain a more balanced perspective and change their behaviours so they can feel free to live the life they want.
Stress Overload
You are not alone. In today’s fast moving world I see many clients who are struggling with stress. With dedication and a commitment to change, hypnotherapy can help you feel more in control and achieve a more balanced life. I use a positive, solution focused approach to help you adopt a healthier outlook and change unhelpful behavioural patterns.
When you feel more relaxed and in control it often becomes easier to manage your time effectively. Solution focused hypnotherapy draws on the latest neuroscience and, by unpacking the brain in the therapy room, we can get a better understanding of what happens in our minds when we experience excessive stress. More importantly, we can look at what we can do about it and then get ourselves back on track.
Book an Appointment with Emma
You can take positive steps to help you attain a hopeful perspective so you can move forward. Hypnotherapy can help you find the tools and inner resources to do this; step by step. Become the confident, healthier, happier you!
At Emma Victoria Hypnotherapy I offer a FREE Initial Consultation where you can meet me and find out more about what I do. This will also give me the opportunity to understand where you are in your life right now and what you would like to achieve.
There may be something else that you, or someone you might know, is struggling with right now. Give me a call on 07550 098029 to discuss in strictest confidence.
My social media is bursting with useful ideas, articles, inspiring quotes and much more…
Take positive steps, now, to feel calmer, happier and more in control.